Sunday, March 2, 2014

So....this is my blog.

  Hello. Welcome to my blog. I must admit, I don't really know where to start. My friend Lauren, who is forever pushing me to try new things and like, grow as a person or whatever, has been after me to start a blog for a long time. I caved and here I am. Ready to blog about whatever it is I'm going to blog about.

 If you know me, you know that it will be about something geeky or weird, because that's how I am. Geeky and weird. I'm a die-hard introvert, bordering on hermit status. My idea of a good time is my couch, a blanket, my cat and the TV. And no human contact whatsoever. Don't get me wrong, I love my friends. I literally have the best and coolest friends in the world. They are smart, fun, talented and most importantly, each geeky and weird in their own individual and quirky ways. But most of the time, I enjoy my solitude. I've always been that way even as a child. My favorite companions were books and my notebooks that served as both journals and places to write my endless stories. Literally endless--I could never find a way to conclude the stories.

  Anyhoo, as I've gotten older I still love to write but it has taken a backseat to pursuing my Master's Degree and work. Hopefully this will be a way to jumpstart my writing. But what will I write about? Mostly general geekery. My favorite thing on the face of the planet is the show The X-Files, so I'm sure they'll be much Mulder-mooning. But as you'll learn, my passion for nerdiness spans many different fandoms and many different areas. For example, I've recently discovered that I don't hate science, though I spent most of my days as a student despising it.

 I hope you enjoy my little corner of the blogosphere. And if you don't...well, I guess you're not cool enough to be a nerd. :) I'll leave you with my favorite youtube clip du jour: "Scully Likes Science".

Later, dweebs!

Scully Likes Science

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